Demure Poverties

While I slept they found a cure for cancer and agression

While I slept ten thousand hungry mouths were fed

While I slept the final episodes aired with viewer titillation

While I slept our leader, declared unfit, was deposed and replaced

While I slept Nature reclaimed two continents, now off limits

While I slept the face of Mars smiled, an omen? or an invitation?

While I slept Stonehenge and Easter Island were tagged with more graffiti

While I slept the first hybrid of a yam and a sweet potato became available

While I slept they found Dan Cooper renting jet skis to tourists

While I slept Atlantis was fined for mermaid brothels

While I slept the Area 51 theme park opened its doors

While I slept espresso was found to be the fountain of youth

While I slept I did not register your absence, a still warm cavity

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